2024 - 2024
Node.js course
The Rolling Scopes
Event-Driven Architecture, Single-Threaded Model,
Asynchronous Programming, NPM, Common Core Modules,
Streams, Modules and require(), REST APIs and
Microservices, Error Handling, Scalability.
2022 - 2023
React course
The Rolling Scopes
Components, JSX, State, Props, Virtual DOM,
Lifecycle Methods, Hooks, One-Way Data Binding,
React Router, Redux.
2022 - 2022
Angular course
The Rolling Scopes
Modules and Components, Services and Dependency Injection,
NgRx, Templates and Directives, CLI, Reactive Forms,
Routing and Navigation, HTTP Client, Asynchronous Operations,
Building and Deploying, Testing.
2021 - 2022
JavaScript/Front-end course
The Rolling Scopes
JavaScript: Fundamentals, Functional Programming, OOP,
Asynchronous JavaScript, REST API, ES6+, DOM, JSON,
Algorithms and data structures, TypeScript, Git, Webpack,
Vite, Figma, PerfectPixel.
full stack web Developer
Brunodee digital Agency
Start learning HTML, CSS, PHP, SQL and the
popular CMS Joomla at this time.
2023 - present
Web developer
Currently focused on the development of web
interfaces and an in-depth study of front-end
development, the use of modern technologies
and patterns. My aim at the moment is to engage
in fullstack development and for this I'm
learning Node.js
2021 - 2023
Frontend developer
Continued work on creating and automating online
stores, while simultaneously plunging into a deeper
study of front-end development. Created user interfaces
using the React library. Successfully solved performance
problems (Memoization, Virtualize Long Lists), as well
as structuring components in a reusable.
2018 - 2021
FullStack e-commerce developer
I was responsible for fully automating online stores,
including: automating price list uploads to marketplaces,
scraping product photos and descriptions from donor sites,
automating pricing based on competitor prices, batch editing
of products, and integrating payment systems.
2016 - 2018
Web developer
Creation and support of the first business card websites
and online stores using the then popular CMS Joomla in
conjunction with Virtuemart. Active involvement in the
web development industry, learning the PHP language and
MySQL databases.